Amber Sound 107.2 FM - Broadcasting across the Amber Valley Region
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Welcome to Chris's Blog

Settled in...

Well, I've been at Amber Sound for two weeks and after just completing my 2nd show for the Amber Valley I am now very much settled in. It feels like home and I'd like to thank you all for making me feel so welcome. Over just the couple of shows that I have done, I have got to know so many of you via the live messenger. That was a great idea, have never worked at a radio station with something like that on their site so hats off to the management. A great form of communication between us in the studio and you, the loyal Amber Sound listeners!

I'll be back next Saturday (2nd January 2010) from 9pm....have a great week!

Happy New Year, I'll speak to you in the new year!!

First published : 27/12/2009

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Melissa (05/03/2021)

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