The Community Diary
Aimed at community events, the 'on air' community diary is part paid for and part free. however the online version is available for any events you have to promote no matter what your status.
If you hold regular events then please apply for your own login so you can access the community diary and put the events in yourself. just let us know you want a login by filling in the form on the contact page. Any type of event can be included here on the 'on-line' version for free, entertainment or otherwise.
Events like Wedding fairs, Psychic events, Carnivals where stallholders pay, in fact anything that makes a profit that does not 100% go to Charity has to pay for inclusion in The on air Community Diary and sits side by side with sponsored walks, choir recitals and charity events.
A paid for inclusion in the on air version of Community Diary costs £25+VAT per event. Use the button top right to order. Please note we need 10 days notice of any event, free or paid for.
We cannot guarantee that unpaid events will appear in the on air version of the diary due to the sheer volume of requests for inclusion and we must shortlist. Paid events do get a guarantee and preference.
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For-Profit Organisations
Case Studies
Fowlers of Ripley Fowlers of Ripley are a retail outlet based in the centre... Scented Willow Oxford St Ripley Scented Willow are a really tight niche business. Specialising in personal... The Wash House Alfreton The Wash House Alfreton are a Dry Cleaners Laundrette.
They used... |